What is Super?

Superannuation (super) is your long term savings plan for retirement. It's where you can invest your hard earned money so you can fund your lifestyle after work.
What is super?
Super is a way of saving for retirement. Your employer must pay a percentage of your earnings into your super account, and your super fund invests the money until you retire.
You can also put money into your super account directly. The more money that is put into your super and invested, the more you’ll have for retirement.
Your employer is legally obligated to make contributions into your super account. This is called the superannuation guarantee (SG). The SG amount is currently 11.5% of your wages (not including overtime). This will increase to 12% from 1 July 2025.
Learn more about your super:
Grow your super
Are you wanting to put more money into super?
Find out more about the different types of contributions, the caps, government incentives and arrangements, along with some important considerations.

How to look after your super
Your super is your savings for retirement, so you should look after it.
Some of the easiest ways you can do this:
Choose a super fund you like – compare fund fees, performance and available services.
Consider combining your super accounts if you have more than one – find and combine your super.
Check your insurance – how much cover do you need and how much cover do you have? Try our insurance needs calculator.
Be wary of anyone saying they can help you withdraw your super early – you can only withdraw your super before age 60 in very limited circumstances.