Seminars and events

We're here to help you. We offer a range of complimentary events that support our members to get their super sorted and the tools to build a better future.

Retire happy
Presented by our Retirement Specialists, our Retire Happy seminars are casual and easy to understand. They provide members, and their spouse, partner or friend, with a guide on how to retire happy, and are held in different locations across Queensland throughout the year.
Many of our attendees say this seminar increased their confidence about retirement.
It relieved some of my concerns and made me more optimistic about retirement.
It was great to hear the advice instead of trying to read it online.
Very informative. Made retirement less scary.
Other events and webinars
From time to time, we email our members about other events that are running throughout the year.
We will soon be launching webinar events to further support members. We know superannuation can be tricky to navigate so these webinars will be full of practical tips to help you get your super sorted.
If there is a topic that you would like to see covered at an event or webinar, please let us know.

Frequently asked questions
Are there any restrictions on who can attend an event?
All our events are run for BUSSQ members and included in their membership. Events that allow partners or friends to attend, will be advertised accordingly. Whilst certain events or webinars will be targeted to certain ages, we welcome any member who is interested in the topic to attend.
Do I need to print tickets or bring a copy of my registration confirmation to an in-person event?
No. It is not necessary to bring any paperwork to an event. After you register, we will have your details recorded, and will confirm your attendance when we greet you at the door.
Is there parking available at the venue?
We always look for venues that offer free parking on site, however sometimes this is not possible. Each event invitation will specify parking availability. We host our events across a range of locations and each venue will have different requirements. Should you have any concerns about parking, or accessibility, please contact us on or call 07 3835 0999.
Who do I contact if I can’t make an event at the last minute?
We understand that sometimes things happen and you can’t make an event. In this instance, please call us on 07 3835 0999 to let us know.
Can I get the information sent to me, if I can’t attend a seminar or event?
Yes. If you are interested in an event but can’t make it, please let us know by emailing or calling 07 3835 0999. We can send you some information by post or email based on your preference.
Are there any COVID-19 precautions in place?
For all our events, we respectfully ask that if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, you do not attend.
Who do I contact for additional questions or concerns?
For any questions that you might have, you can call our Retire Ready Hub on 07 3835 0999, Monday to Friday, between the hours of 9.00am and 5.00pm (Qld time). Alternatively, you can email us at