Older man and younger woman having a work meeting both are smiling.

What we know about older working Australians

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Whether by necessity or choice, a growing number of Australians are working beyond what we have traditionally thought of as “retirement age”.

In 2006, 8% of people over 65 were working,1 and by 2021 it was 15% (19% for men and 11% for women).2 In fact, labour force participation by people 55 and older has never been higher. Our tax and superannuation system, with salary sacrifice and voluntary superannuation contributions, also provide added incentives to keep working longer.

An older workforce brings its own challenges. However, this change also coincides with forecast workforce shortages in Australia. To ensure success, organisations will need to be able to attract and retain older, skilled workers.3

Professor Carol Kulik, Centre for Workplace Excellence at the University of SA has observed, “Older workers are more loyal to organisations, tend to stay with employers for a long time, and don’t take many sick days”.4 A strong work ethic and attention to detail are valuable assets of older employees.
Here’s what else we know about older working Australians:
  • Australians are living and staying healthy, longer, and that has translated into longer, more productive careers.
  • Mortgage burdens have spiked for those aged 55 to 64. In 2001 around 80% were mortgage-free. This plummeted to only 56% in 2016.5 This has increased the need to keep working.
  • The global financial crisis took a bite out of the superannuation savings of asset rich and cash poor Australians, forcing some older employees to work longer.
  • Changes in Australian industry, with shrinkages in construction, manufacturing and agriculture sectors have created more opportunities for older workers. The service sector, which now accounts for around 80% of Australian jobs, tends to be less physically intensive.
  • Older workers are concentrated in management and professional roles. However, they are also overrepresented in traditional blue-collar occupations.

Organisations that enable employees to work flexibly can help keep older staff members in the workforce. To succeed, they should consider developing a workforce culture that does not discriminate against older workers. This can be achieved by implementing strategies across the organisation to support older employees, providing training, promoting health and wellbeing, designing jobs that fit their needs, offering sufficient recognition and rewards, and assisting in financial and career planning.6

Many individuals do not want to retire, and instead may be forced out of the workforce once they reach a certain age. In the building and construction industry, this can often be before an individual intends.

To get a better understanding of whether you will need to work longer, or if you want to know if you can retire earlier, you can speak to one of BUSSQ’s Financial Planners, to get a better idea of your position.

Call 1800 692 877 to make speak to one of our representatives.

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If you're wondering what your options are but don't know where to start, we're here to help. Where ever you're at in your super and retirement journey, we have tools to help you get your head around things, free seminars about retirement planning and personal advice with our team of Financial Planners.

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Ready to learn more and start planning for retirement?

If you're wondering what your options are but don't know where to start, we're here to help. Where ever you're at in your super and retirement journey, we have tools to help you get your head around things, free seminars about retirement planning and personal advice with our team of Financial Planners.

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